Saturday, August 13, 2011

never ending road..

"Jalan itu lurus. Tapi matahari hangat dan perjalanan kau panjang...." (suffian Abbas)

Very hard moment to go through. After such a headache MFO...followed by Maybank Treats and now Dining Out. In the mids of settling this issue (hope it can be solve!!). Last time,after we settlde perfectly Maybnk Treats for 2nd re-run, we all seriously fall sick and have to go leave. but now,with this kind of situation.. I do'nt really know when it will end and how it's going to end. Hope everything going to be fine soon and people start to forget it. Ya Allah, please help us.

Instead of this "boom" issue, also need to focus for Ad Hari Raya Do project. Thanks for the voting for chairperson seat. Hopefully,everything is going to be fine as well.

Badly need strength. Felt like throwing again. Dear God,plz help us.

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